Welcome to Metaphysical Crystals and Crystal Healing
This site is slowly being moved to http://www.metaphysicalcrystals.net/trademarked-crystals.html You'll find the information under trademarked crystals on our new website. You can also click on Metaphysical Crystals above, and the link will take you to the home page of the website.
This site provides tips to identify exquisite metaphysical healing crystals and stones and whether they are what they say they are. You'll find that many metaphysical crystals have "unusual" names but that they are essentially the same crystal that you can purchase from another vendor for one tenth of the cost. Many of these crystals are used as stones in jewelry.
New Age Metaphysical Crystals and Stones - Are They Really That New?
Let me start off by telling you that I’m a Graduate Gemologist by Trade, a Crystal Healer by Heart and Degree, and a Skeptic by Nature. I've been selling all varieties of rocks and metaphysical crystals, from pebbles found on remote mountaintops, to crystals purchased at New Age Shows, to the new (but not really so new) Azeztulite. I've also sold many stones for jewelry. I've sold tons of quartz healing crystals, amethyst, healer's gold, pink quartz, golden labradorite, chalcedony and even diamonds, etc. But, there are so many different names for New Age metaphysical crystals that the average buyer has no idea what they are buying, and unless one is very discerning and has a lot of knowledge in this area, one could literally be spending a fortune on a stone that is worth about twenty five cents (if even that). This website is going to try to help you with a few of the myths (which most people are not even aware exist) concerning many metaphysical crystals. Hopefully, this will also help your pocketbook when it comes to Metaphysical New Age Crystals and gems for jewelry.
First of all, I must tell you that I do believe in the healing aspects of crystals. They do work in the healing arena, but one needs to be aware what they're purchasing. The old adage, a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, is certainly true. But a rose that costs $20.00 doesn’t smell quite as sweet as a rose that costs .03 when they are, in fact, the exact same thing.
I’ve sold many New Age Stones, Reiki, Wiccan, etc., in my business, but just because someone takes a crystal or a rock and puts a fancy name on it doesn’t change the metaphysical properties one iota. The metaphysical crystal is the same if you paid three cents for it or over twenty dollars.
Buyer beware. There are quite lot of Metaphysical Crystals and stones for jewelry that are essentially quite common ordinary crystals or rocks, and I hope I can help you make the right choice when purchasing.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Metamorphosis Quartz - Another Trademarked Metaphysical Crystal?

Metamorphosis Quartz - Another Trademarked Metaphysical Crystal?
Metamorphosis Quartz is another exquisite Metaphysical Crystal trademarked by Bob Jackson and Melody (two very reputable metaphysical crystal dealers). Before I begin, I want you to know that I totally believe in these people, know both of them personally, and will vouch, especially for Bob Jackson’s, credibility. You won’t find a more reputable metaphysical crystal dealer anywhere (and there are many unreputable trademarked items by other dealers).
Metamorphosis Quartz, as stated before, is trademarked by name by Bob Jackson and Melody and is very similar to Girasol Quartz. The only difference I can discern is that Metamorphosis Quartz’s borders are not usually as rounded, (I have many very odd shaped Metamorphosis Quartz), whereas Girasol Quartz is tumbled and is usually quite round. Besides that, I have not been able to decipher any metaphysical crystal difference.
To the left and above are a few pictures of my trademarked Metamorphosis Quartz. As you can see, they are not perfectly round or smooth as are most tumbled stones. The Girasol Quartz I have are perfectly tumbled, as if they had been tumbled in a river, they do not have crisp edges, but are very rounded.
Concerning trademarks, think Advil and ibuprophen. Advil is the trademarked name whereas ibuprofen is the generic name. They are the exact same medicine, it’s just that Advil is the trademarked name and ibuprofen is the generic. One costs more and the other is less expensive. Which would you buy?
And therein lies the problem with trademarked crystals. People are deceived into thinking they’re purchasing something just a little bit better than the common crystal when, in fact, they’re not.
Girasol is also known as Blue Opal Quartz, Moon Opal, Moon Quartz or Foggy Quartz. It is a wonderful jewelry gemstone and makes a beautiful handmade jewelry item. Some people say that Metamorphosis quartz contains microscopic fibers that produce an asterism similar to star rose quartz, which are not present in Girasol. Not all pieces will display a star, but many have a glowing spots of light when viewed in the right light. I’ve examined Girasol and Metamorphosis and I can’t see this difference though. I would love to find the difference between the two, but, sadly, I can’t.
According to Love is in the Earth by Melody, and this is quoted from her book: Metamorphosis Quartz is quite similar to Girasol Quartz and the qualities of each overlap, making Metamorphosis Quartz a bit more potent! Metamorphosis Quartz is quite angelic but also contains the aura of change within its boundaries. This is a crystal for one who is experiencing change in their life or who wishes change in their life. The Spirit inside this quartz will aid in this transition and will become a lifelong friend.
Metamorphosis Quartz has been used to automatically increase the range, the clarity, and the strength of ones aura. It has also assisted one in seeing the aura of others. It has performed as a spectrograph on the auric plane, bringing the entire spectrum into view.
This mineral is known as The Stone of Transformation, supporting the amplification of energy required for same. It assists one in replacing negative attitudes with positive direction and has been used as mainstay and a foundation for one during changes. The mineral serves to prepare open for transformation , permitting the recognition of the obscure layers of self-justification which support the continuity of state of distress and dis-ease.
It has been used to direct one through changes required to attain orderly situations while smoothing the state of change and dispensing a supplemental physical stamina and mental awareness to the user. Metamorphosis Quartz aids one to feel a commonality with being a part of life. This is an extreme healing mineral, for healing the self on all levels.
Most of you who know me know that I wholeheartedly believe in the healing aspects of metaphysical crystals, but with these trademarked stones, I believe that a person should realize that many names used are only channeled names and the actual crystal or stone hasn't changed at all.
I sell genuine Metamorphosis Quartz obtained from Bob and also Giarasol Quartz, and this is not an advertisement for either of these crystals. I’m writing about trademarked metaphysical crystals because I believe there is a need for others to understand, and perhaps save their pocketbook or wallet a bit of money. But, if you’re interested in purchasing either of these crystals and want to compare them to each other, please contact me at Psychicpathways@aol.com. I am an honest metaphysical crystal dealer.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I’m going to start out, before I go into the specifics of certain crystals and stones, about the so-called Certificates of Authenticity for Metaphysical Crystals that are being sent out with many crystals.
First of all, I am a Graduate Gemologist, Crystal Dealer, Reiki Master, and an Affiliate of the Association of Melody Crystal Healing Instructors. I do believe in the healing powers of crystals and stones, and also many metaphysical crystals are trademarked by my specific name for them. I want all of you to please read this sentence again. MY specific name for them. This is a channeled name that I have personally received for the metaphysical crystal or stone, but this does not make the crystal or stone any different than any other metaphysical crystal or stone that another dealer is selling. The only difference is that I have personally held the stone and spoke with a higher being and have been told that these stones contain certain attributes. They are one hundred percent the exact same stone as another dealer’s stones.
This doesn’t mean that the metaphysical crystal doesn’t contain healing qualities. It most certainly does. But it does mean that the stone is the same as the next dealer’s stone which doesn’t have a fancy name. This doesn’t mean that quartz, just because it came from North Carolina, is any different than another quartz originating from that same region. All this means is that the person who is selling this stone has channeled a specific name for it. The gemological facts are one hundred percent the same.
The metaphysical dealer has often taken a common crystal, put their own trademarked name on it, hiked up the price, and customers are paying a lot of money for a crystal that is worth only a dollar or two. These are dealers who are supposed to be very spiritual, but somehow have lost their way and entered the world of greed. What has happened?
The reason why I’m reporting this is that I believe this is one of my missions in this world, and why I’m here on Earth this go-around. This is my karmic duty, and I want to help people understand that there are many people in the gem world who aren’t quite as spiritually evolved as one might think, and a fancy certificate does absolutely nothing except pad the dealer’s pocket with a lot of money.
The purpose of these writings is to inform people that a lesser price can be paid for many crystals and not to be fooled by crystals with trademarks. I also sell trademarked stones, but this doesn’t make them any different than others from the same area. It only means that I’ve channeled a name for them, and everyone needs to understand this fact.
I hope to be including pictures of trademarked stones, alongside their more “common” counterparts, and will be testing them with various scientific equipment, and will report the findings to you. I’ll also name the names of the trademarked stones, and if I can find the mine they came from, I’ll also report that. I’m going to report everything I find. I don’t want people to be ripped off by something that be purchased for only a dollar or two. It's not right, and even more so when the buyers are essentially purchasing metaphysical crystals for spiritual reasons.
There has always been deception in the gem world, but it’s more rampant these days among metaphysical crystal dealers. It’s surprising to find out that they’re not honest. I’ve always wanted to believe that metaphysical dealers care about their customers, but it seems as if a few have lost their way. And this is indeed sad.
Before I go any further though, I will report that Bob Jackson of Love is in the Earth is honest. If he has trademarked stones, he’ll tell you. Anything that is said about his trademarked stones is not said about his kind character. He is a beautiful person, inside and out, and can be trusted with your life.
Healing Stones,
Love is in the Earth,
New Age,
Friday, July 31, 2009
Google Privacy Code - A Very Boring Read
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